Friday, October 31, 2008


My First Post on my own Blog.What can I say? I am excited..Thanks to my friend Colyns Agboju of who didnt let me sleep a wink last night until i agreed to go ahead with this blog.He went out of his way and busy schedule to create this for me and i am truly grateful.

My writings are pure and deep from the heart.They cover different areas and aspects of our everyday life.Relationships,Marriages,Love,Business etc.Some of these stories are true and some are fictional.I write it the way i see and feel it and i hope you all enjoy it the way i do.I also hope it comes as a way of inspiration to several who have gone through various issues in life.

To my facebook friends as well who enjoyed my notes on there,thanks a lot guys.I finally have my own blog.Hope you enjoy it all here too..

I woke up feeling happy and excited.Exactly why was I happy,what was the cause of my joy? I was about to be wed!!! it had always been my dream to have a fairy tale wedding..I was excited I was getting married to a man I loved extremely and ours had been a good relationship which span a whole 5 years.Nothing could take my joy away..I just couldn't wait to say I do....

My mind went back to the events which happened a long time ago which led to this day.A time where sadness and pain had rippled through my heart and made me almost want to give up on marriage.I shook those thoughts off and prepared for the church service.The drive to the church was just 10 mins and it felt like an hour,I was that excited, I couldn't just wait to be Mrs..The whole place was packed full of family and friends that had come to join in our celebrations.The beautiful chapel was filled with vanilla scented candles and lovely white roses.The whole atmosphere said it all..It was easy to know that this day was made for two people in love to take their vows.........

I sat down and remembered the day so much I got so so emotional.Sometimes I asked myself exactly why certain things where the way they are.My mind shifted back years ago when I had been tortured beyond belief and recognition.I remembered what had been taken away from me so cruelly yet I had been given another chance to survive and prove I could get by it all.Was I elated? Maybe not I wish it had all gone with me.I had little hope of ever recovering... Did I? Not fully maybe I still haven't recovered but I know am a lot better than before.I glance through the past like a light spurring my eyes and I shut it so quickly as I want that past to go away........

The laughter jolted me from my thoughts as I came back to the present.Friends and families hugged and greeted each other as they took their places and waited for the ceremony to begin..I peeped from the little room and saw my groom waiting for me at the end of the aisle.I blessed myself and the day for coming my way and I knew deep down I had made a good decision.It was time to forget the past and look at my future...

As I walked out as the orchestra started playing and as I took a step forward I shut my eyes and said a quick prayer,smiling openly and putting my arms round my brother who was giving me away I glanced up and thought to myself my evergreen world awaits me... But did it??????????

As I walked down the aisle I was the happiest I could be waiting to be joined in one with my life,my heart,my soul.I could see the smiling faces of family and friends as they admired " a blushing bride".I felt free and happy as my brother placed me in the arms of my groom.As we smiled at each other,we both turned to face the priest who was conducting the ceremony.

Yes this was happening.I couldn't wait! I could almost speed him up.As we said our vows,I thought to myself " I want loads of kids".My thoughts were jolted back to the priest as he asked would anyone object to our being married."Yeah right I thought to myself" looking at my grooms face I knew he said those same thoughts in his mind.OK hurry up now I said could hardly wait to be Mrs.As I turned to face the priest,I was totally unprepared for the voice I heard,a voice I had dreaded for so long,a voice I wanted to be lost forever but someone that voice had come to haunt me after all these years..As I turned to the direction of the voice, I saw a face I wished I never came across as dismay was written on my face as I knew the next words that would be spoken from those lips that were from the devil itself.

I woke up to the sound of whispers..Slowly it dawned on me what had happened.I tried to cry but no tears came out.I searched for my groom and there he was looking at me with hatred filled in his eyes."Why dint you tell me" he accused me unjustly and deep down I couldn't blame him..I had lied to a man I loved because I was too scared of what he would have thought of my past.I tried to speak but I was tongue tied.Burying my head in my hands,I got up slowly and asked everyone to leave us alone.I turned to him with all sincerity in my heart and found him in so much anguish.I tried to recollect my thoughts but I couldn't, everything was just a parallel of some sort."He has told me everything",I turned to listen to him and I wasn't surprised when I heard the next words.

The hustle and bustle of people around me brought a new meaning to the word like itself.I looked around me and saw how happy people were,little would one know whatever dark secret they had inside their hearts.I tried to recollect the last months events and I was glad I was at peace with myself.I thought back to my mistakes of the past,I thought back to when I was defiled violently for years on,I thought back to the many abortions I committed and the wild life I had lived,I thought back to the man I had married for his money and left him when I realised he had nothing..Little did I know the divorce hadn't gone through because of the greediness of a fake lawyer.Could I blame him? No I was greedy myself!

As I watched the sun set,I realised that we all have had our fair share of bad.Sometimes if we are too frightened to admit it or pretend about it,it would come to haunt us even if it takes a million years to come.

When we finally find love due to our foolishness,we lose it to a past that if we had openly spoken, we may have been forgiven.Did I blame my groom for not wedding me that day? No I didn't.I understood the shock and pain he went through cos he thought he knew a different me! Did I regret not telling him sooner yes I did! I wished I had done it earlier but what's the point in crying over spilt milk? I had learnt my mistakes and served my time for them.I wasn't bothered about the wagging tongues of everybody.Dusting the sand off my feet,I strolled towards the sunset in to the waiting arms of the one I had hurt so bad. I was given a second chance at love and there I was strolling hand in hand with him to the shed where a priest was waiting to wed us..away from everyone else just us, away from the past into the future,to a new beginning and a new life.

I was given a second chance and as we kissed to sound of the waves and the breeze,I thanked God silently for giving me this second chance.I looked up and smiled at him.My EVERGREEN had begun.

This story was written from the deepest thoughts.A lot of us go through a lot of things in life and yet we feel it may not really matter.A lot of us regret things we have done and we feel too scared to say it out loud for fear we would be judged for it.We cant always be blamed for the kind of life we lived if not right its all part of the growing up stage.Remember what Jesus said"Let he that is without sin caste the first stone".We should not be afraid to speak because the heavy weight we feel would be lessened.We are all given second chances though sometimes we may not recognise it..I hope and pray you all who have gone through one thing or the another in life would have your second chance..Love u all

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i was really moved with your stories, thanks